Services for Litigation Attorneys
Capital Investigations can assist attorneys in all aspects of e-Discovery phase. Our many services can provide:
- Identify sources and ESI (electronically stored information) and custodians that may have ESI
- Preserve ESI is a forensically sound manner
- Process ESI (restore deleted files, document de-duplication and keyword searches)
- Host documents for attorney review
- Produce relevant documents to various parties
- Provide expert reports and testimony
Services for White-Collar Crime Attorneys
Capital Investigations can assist attorneys in all aspects of e-Discovery phase. Our many services can provide:
- Preserve ESI (electronically stored information) stored in computers, network servers and smartphones in a forensically sound manner
- Identify smoking gun information in fraud matters
- Identify theft of intellectual property
- Perform data inspection to identify deletions
- Process ESI (restore deleted files, document de-duplication and keyword searches)
- Host documents for attorney review
- Produce relevant documents to various parties
- Provide expert reports and testimony